D-Mix Herbal Mixture

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D-Mix Herbal Mixture

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D-MIX HERBAL MIXTURE help improves blood circulation

NAME OF PRODUCT: D-Mix Herbal Mixture


INGREDIENTS: Momordica charantia, Allium sativum

EXCIPIENTS: sodium Benzoate

INDICATION: This product help improves blood circulation

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Route of Administration: D-Mix Herbal Mixture must be taken orally Dosage Adults (18 years and above) The usual dose is; Three (3) tablespoonful (45ml) three times (3X) daily for fourteen (14) days (2 weeks) Children (12 years to 17 years) Two (2) tablespoonfuls (30ml) three times (3X) daily for fourteen (14) days (2 weeks) If you forget to take a dose of D-Mix Herbal Mixture, take the prescribed dose as soon as you remember and continue the rest of the dosage exactly as indicated above. Do not take double dose to make up for forgotten dose.

SIDE EFFECTS D-Mix Herbal Mixture is well tolerated. It has no Active ingredient known to cause drowsiness or dizziness. It therefore has no effect on driving or machinery operation.

WARNING / PRECAUTION Do not use D-Mix Herbal Mixture if: –

  • you are allergic to leaves, stem barks and roots of any of the Active Ingredients.
  •  your condition has not been diagnosed as associated with reduced blood circulation.
  • Please inform your prescriber you are taking D-Mix Herbal Mixture, when other drugs are going to be prescribed for you, including allopathic over-the-counter-medicines.

CONTRAINDICATIONS D-Mix Herbal Mixture is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers and individuals below twelve (12) years.

INTERACTION WITH FOOD AND DRUGS D-Mix Herbal Mixture is well tolerated with food and should be taken preferably after meals. Please consult your doctor or Health Provider if you are taking any other medicines

OVER-DOSAGE AND MANAGEMENT If you take overdose of D-Mix Herbal Mixture, drink plenty of water and consult your Health Care Provider immediately. Do not induce vomiting. The Observable Adverse Effect Level (OAEL) of D-Mix Herbal Mixture is greater than three times (3X) the stated daily dose.

STORAGE AND HANDLING; Store D-Mix Herbal Mixture in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Efficacy, Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Test Total Antioxidant Capacity Assay D-Mix extract (10mg) was combined with 3 ml of reagent solution (0.6M sulfuric acid, 28mM sodium phosphate and 4mM ammonium molybdate). The tubes containing the reaction solution were incubated at 95°C for 90 minutes. The absorbance of the supernatant was then determined at 695 mm against blank after cooling to room temperature. Distilled water (0.3ml) is processed as the extract and used as the blank. All measurements were done in triplicates. Data obtained for the ascorbic acid was analyzed as linear regression of the absorbance against concentration from which ascorbic acid equivalents were obtained and the data obtained expressed graphically as column graphs of concentration against the ascorbic acid equivalents (Total antioxidant capacity).

RESULTS Total Antioxidant Capacity The total antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid (0.01-03 mg/kg) increased with increasing concentration (r’ = 0.9971). D-Mix extract (0.3-01.0 mg/ml) also showed an increase in total antioxidant capacity expresses as ascorbic acid equivalent. Toxicity Test

Table 1: Toxicity test on D-Mix

NOAEL; No – Observable – Adverse – Effect Level.

REMARKS D-Mix has significant antioxidant effect and hence will improve the function of the heart and circulation. It protects the function of the pancreas and the kidney. The OAEL is greater than three times the stated daily dosage indicated.

PHYTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Major chemical constituents in D-Mix Herbal Mixture include; Reducing Sugars, Saponins, Tannins, Alkaloids PHYSICOCHEMICAL DATA: PH (aq. Extract) –6.81 AVERAGE WT PER ML—1.0306 gm/ml DRY WT PER ML– –0.06gmml DETAILS OF MANUFACTURER: PRODUCED IN GHANA BY; SOLAK BIOCHEMIST P. O. BOX SE 788, SUAME-KUMASI. LOCATION: PLOT P54 ESRESO-ADAGYA, KUMASI TELEPHONE: 0261736263, 0245616028



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