Laser Lipo & Cavitation

Ultrasonic Liposuction will Crack, Melt and Eliminate fat from your body. Treatment dramatically reduces the size of the fat cells and effectively’melts’ the fat removing it through your lymphatic system. The contents leave the body through the liver within 2 to 3 weeks following the procedure.
Ultrasonic Liposuction has the ability to treat areas that have stubborn fat deposits. It also has the added advantage oftightening the skin during the process.
Ultrasonic Liposuction means figure correction by utilising infrared heat energy, high radio frequency energy and strong deeply penetrating ultrasonic waves.
This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through your urine.
Health Impacts of Ultrasonic Cavitation
Ultrasonic cavitation reduces the body’s fat deposits that could be hard to get rid of by exercising alone. However, this procedure cannot be used for weight loss treatment on its own. Ultrasonic cavitation is best for reducing cellulite and adipose fat. This improves body shape and contour and reduces circumference.
Laser Lipo:
Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat under the skin. It’s also called laser lipolysis.
What is lipo?
In short, lipo is when fat is removed from specific areas of your body to improve shape, contouring, and definition. You can have lipo performed nearly anywhere on the body, although it’s most often done around the following areas:
- tummy
- arms
- thighs
- hips
- back
- under the chin
The fat is suctioned out of you, and once those fat cells are gone, they are gone—never to return to the areas or anywhere else.
Lipo is a great way to treat those stubborn areas that don’t go away even when you’re on your best behavior with your diet and exercise. Sometimes you are genetically programmed to carry a little extra fat in your thighs, or maybe it’s your chin? Maybe after a baby, or after you’ve gotten to a certain age, you carry extra fat in your belly or you have back fat that you dislike? Dr. Steele Johnson and lipo help re-define the shape and size that you were given genetically.
Traditional (Anesthesia) Lipo
Unlike awake Precision Lipo, you have to go under general anesthesia to be put to sleep before removing fat. This is likely what Cardi B had, given her story, because the recovery is often much tougher in this procedure. Since you are unconscious, the procedure tends to be a lot more aggressive, with a lot more soreness and a longer recovery.
ThermiSmooth Face
This method involves combining radiofrequency (RF) technology and local anesthesia to provide specific, controlled contouring around the lower face, neck, and body. The entire process takes only an hour or two, and many patients see results after a single session. If you have any excess fat then we lipo in conjunction with the Thermi for a combination treatment.